New Play Festival
New Play Festival
The New Play Festival will take place in Spring quarter, beginning in 2025.
The festival is student-run with student playwrights, directors, actors, dramaturgs and technicians!
The festival is guided by Assistant Professor LisaMarie Rollins.
Works are selected by a committee of students and faculty in Winter quarter.
Plays may be anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes in length. Possibilities include one person monologues, 10 minute plays, 30 minute one-acts, 10 minute interdisciplinary experiments, poems with movement, or any variation in between.
Plays will have no costumes, no sets, are allowed one prop, two light cues and two sound cues, max. The purpose is to showcase the play, the imagination of the playwright, and, if applicable, set the play up for future consideration in a longer production. This is a place for pure experimentation!
Students enroll for 5 units of credit via THEA 158. The class may be used toward an Upper Division Studio requirement for the Theater Arts major or minor.
Questions? Email Professor Rollins: lirollin@ucsc.edu